Jim Olson Dayton Institute

Jim Olson Dayton Institute

Dr. James Olson Dayton is a well known farming logistics consultant based in Dayton, OH.  His work primarily focused on developing hybrid fruits and vegetables for third world countries resistant to insects, pests and disease.  Dr. Jim Olson Dayton has devoted a lifetime of research and study to improving the quality of life of the unfortunate.  The research done at the Jim Olson Dayton Institute in Ohio is critical to taking the quality of life for those in third world countries to the next level.  A scholarship is being proposed to offer students an opportunity to experience the life changing research work done at the Jim Olson Dayton Institute.

Welcome to the website of Dr. Jim Olson Dayton.  James Olson Dayton is a renowned farming logistics consultant in Dayton, Ohio.  He works primarily on the development of hybrid fruit trees able to be grown in any climate and immune from disease.  Jim Olson Dayton is pursuing the development of a portfolio of fruit trees to help countries with extreme drought produce food domestically in spite of such harsh conditions.   Three decades of research and study have gone into this portfolio collection of superfruit pollen and seed.  James Olson Dayton has formed an alliance with groups in Europe to work towards the creation of a super-foods institute.

Kale at the James Olson Dayton Institute

Kale at the James Olson Dayton Institute

An organic, disease resistant strain of kale is being developed by Dr. James Olson Dayton. His strain will be one of the most nutritious vegetables, containing a large number of powerful antioxidant properties.

Dr. James Olson Dayton’s organic kale is very high in vitamin K, vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium and lutein. The strain of kale Dr. James Olson Dayton has been developing contains a signficant amount of sulforaphane, a chemical believed to have potent anti-cancer properties.

This special strain of organic kale also contains indole-3-carbinol, a special chemical which boosts DNA repair in cells and has shown to block the growth of cancerous cells.

The kale being developing at the James Olson Dayton Institute is also an excellent source of carotenoids.